About Homes for Britain

Our campaign brings together all those who believe everyone has a right to a decent affordable home to call their own. Our support comes from people across the country and we’ve joined forces with organisations from every corner of the housing world.

Why are we doing this?

For decades we have failed to build enough new homes. We are currently only building half the number we need every year. The statistics are concerning but behind them are those stories that have become the fabric of modern British life. We all know them.

Many of us can’t start a family because we can’t afford to move.

Many adults still live with parents, our first home still a distant dream.

Many of us live in overcrowded homes, struggle to afford to keep a roof over our heads, or even become homeless.

The housing crisis is affecting people from all walks of life and all parts of the country.

Why now?

The time has come to end the housing crisis. For the sake of the next generation we must act now.

The General Election 2015 offered that opportunity to show politicians that the public want to see solutions to build the homes we need and take action until everyone has a decent affordable home.

What are we asking for?

We are calling on all political parties to commit to end the housing crisis within a generation.

This will require real action that starts now and doesn’t stop until everyone has a decent affordable home to call their own.

We want the new government to publish a long-term plan for housing within a year of taking office that sets out how they will end the housing crisis within a generation.

So we’ll speak with one voice.

We’ll demand our politicians ensure we’re building the homes we need to end the housing crisis.

We’ll tell them that we expect them continue to take action until everyone has a decent affordable home.

Our supporters?

As well as the support of people across the country the Homes for Britain campaign brings together organisations from every corner of the housing world.

It is led by eight organisations:

Hundreds of other housing organisations are actively involved in the campaign. These include everyone from Shelter to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and Town and Country Planning Association.