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    @HomesforBritain Voxpops from Cornwall

    The Homes for Britain Campaign visited St. Austell to video real people offering real opinions about the need for more affordable housing in Cornwall. These videos have been collated and taken to Westminster for politicians to watch in the run up to the Election.

    Ocean Housing

    20 April 2015 09:39 from St. Austell, Cornwall

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    Where will my children live?

    I’m proud to add my voice to all those shouting to end the housing crisis in a generation. This isn’t just about building more, it’s about making best use of what we have too and providing real choice by driving up standards in the private rented sector and mainstreaming affordable home ownership. I have a secure, affordable home and I want that for my children too

    Helen Reddington

    17 March 2015 14:46 from St Helens, Merseyside

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    Helena youth voice in london

    Enjoying the live music just seen a women dancing waving a Homes for Britain flag – entertaining.

    Yasmin Billing

    17 March 2015 14:34 from St Helens, Merseyside

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    We have arrived in Westminster!

    Staff and volunteers from Helena Partnerships have arrived in Westminster. To support the Homes for Britain rally. We had a great journey here met Betsy Bus now excited for the rally to start.

    Tanya McGibbon

    17 March 2015 14:29 from St Helens, Merseyside

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    Ready for the rally

    Helena partnerships Staff and volunteers from our Youth voice, VIP & TCC are heading to London tomorrow to support the Homes for Britain Rally looking forward to standing tall and showing a united front, will be tweeting and blogging throughout the day . See you all there

    Tanya Mcgibbon

    16 March 2015 21:36 from Saint Helens, Merseyside

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    Betsy the bus in Hammersmith

    Homes for Britain buzz awaited Betsy as she arrived in Hammersmith with Shepherds Bush Housing Group. Dextrous parking and a lot of gear changes were needed to pull up in front of the building site that will soon be our rebuilt Irish Cultural Centre with 24 affordable homes above it.
    What a welcome; greeted by many including Hammersmith MP Andy Slaughter, Hammersmith and Fulham’s cabinet member for housing, Cllr Lisa Homan, and TV presenter and housing champion Phil Spencer. Passers-by snapped away on their phones and took away the Homes for Britain message.

    Joanna Charlton

    16 March 2015 18:51 from London, UK

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    Betsy the bus in Hammersmith

    Homes for Britain buzz awaited Betsy as she arrived in Hammersmith yesterday. Dextrous parking and a lot of gear changes were needed to pull up in front of the building site that will soon be our rebuilt Irish Cultural Centre with 24 affordable homes above it.
    What a welcome; greeted by many including Hammersmith MP Andy Slaughter, Hammersmith and Fulham’s cabinet member for housing, Cllr Lisa Homan, and TV presenter and housing champion Phil Spencer. Passers-by snapped away on their phones and took away the Homes for Britain message.

    Joanna Charlton

    16 March 2015 18:50 from London, UK

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    Betsy visits First Wessex!

    We were anything but unlucky on Friday 13th March, when Betsy came to visit First Wessex at our North Town development in Aldershot! Local councillors, First Wessex staff, local authority and housing association representatives gathered to welcome her. We were especially pleased to welcome the Mayor of Rushmoor Borough Council, Cllr Diane Bedford, and the Chief Executive of Sentinel, Mark Perry.

    Having welcomed Betsy the day before us, Mark came to hand over the Homes for Britain to our Chief Executive, Peter Walters. It seemed only right that we held our Homes for Britain event in North Town, an area we’re working hard to regenerate for locals. Our guests caught a glimpse of the hard work, even visiting two of our residents’ homes for a closer look.

    All in all, it was a great day, and we can’t wait to see Betsy again tomorrow at the Homes for Britain rally in Westminster. We know there’s a lot more to be done before the housing crisis is solved, but we’re so proud of the work we and our fellow housing professionals have put into the cause… See you all on the 17th!

    First Wessex

    16 March 2015 09:35 from Portsmouth, Hampshire

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