Pool resources and join forces to end the housing crisis

We all have the right to a roof over our head. But the lack of decent, affordable housing has never been more apparent. For decades we have failed to build enough new homes. But when the recession hit, belts were tightened so much that construction became a casualty. Redundancy, a failure to attract new talent and… Read more

Written by Dayle Bayliss | Posted on 10th March 2015

Dayle Bayliss is an award-winning chartered surveyor who represents the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership construction sector group Building Growth, talks through the problems in Suffolk and looks for solutions.

Website: http://www.daylebayliss.co.uk/

Why hasn’t government fixed the housing market?

It’s ten years since I worked on a review of housing supply in the UK for the Labour government. I wish I had a pound for everyone in the past couple of years who’s said to me ‘nothing’s got better as a result of your review, has it?’ Sadly, in many ways that’s true. The… Read more

Written by Kate Barker | Posted on 9th March 2015

Kate Barker is a British economist, noted for her roles at the Bank of England and for advising the British government on social issues such as housing and health care

Families are being broken and divided in order to exist

I know what the housing crisis has been like for me and my family. We had to wait over 13 years to gain a home with a registered social landlord after living in a house that was deemed unfit for human habitation. My daughter and I both suffered from severe health issues during this time…. Read more

Written by Nicola Tucker | Posted on 7th March 2015

Nicola Tucker, along with her children, has been a DCH resident for 8 years in a small Devon village. She has been an active resident in DCH groups and the local community for approx 6 years. Nicola is a member of DCH ServiceWatch resident scrutiny group and she has recently obtained Level 3 Chartered Institute of Housing in Resident Scrutiny. She also works for the charity National Family Mediation who provide mediation for families in conflict especially those who are divorcing or separating.

Website: http://www.dchgroup.com/

Why do we still create housing solutions on such a finite resource as land?

There is nothing like a crisis to get the housing building sector to think differently about how they can deliver more affordable housing. Well, that’s been my naïve view – that a crisis leads to innovation; a step change that is required to kick start a new way of thinking and doing. As yet though, within… Read more

Written by Andy Redfearn | Posted on 6th March 2015

Andy Redfearn Director of Housing and Development for YMCA London South West and initiator of Y:Cube Housing. YMCALSW is a registered charity working in many diverse areas including; Supported & Move on Housing; Health & Wellbeing; Family & Children’s Work; and Youth Work

Website: http://www.ymcalsw.org/ycube/

Taking the #HomesForBritain message right to the heart of UK politics

For ages now, we’ve been telling anyone who will listen that the housing crisis won’t be solved unless politicians make it happen. So now we’re taking the message right to the heart of UK politics, to a place that politicians couldn’t ignore even if they tried: Westminster tube station. Head down to Westminster station any… Read more

Written by Clare Bevis Paredes | Posted on 5th March 2015

Clare is Communications Manager at the National Housing Federation and is leading on the advertising for the Homes for Britain campaign

Website: http://i100.independent.co.uk/article/these-posters-are-a-reminder-of-the-crisis-politicians-cant-ig

Children don’t care about housing tenure, they just need to feel settled and safe

The Citizen’s Advice Bureau is currently running a campaign relating to private renters entitled, ‘Settled & Safe’ . These adjectives encapsulate what I imagine we all want from a home. Desirable states they may be, but with young family in tow I know only too well how elusive they can be in the private renting… Read more

Written by Fiona Elsted | Posted on 4th March 2015

Fiona is a lecturer and mum of 3 who spends a lot of time writing and talking about things she feels are unjust. On her blog she writes about what she's experienced, read and thought about in the hope that it will lead to some much needed policy change in relation to the Private Rented Sector and Child Poverty in particular.

Young or old, the housing crisis affects us all – we need to make a change

I’m a book blogger so this is unusual for me but today I’ll be talking about… Politics. Now, for those of us who are oblivious to the world outside Hogwarts and Narnia, politics might seem like a daunting word. In fact, it probably is for everyone, even for those who happen to be politicians themselves. Trust… Read more

Written by Miriam | Posted on 3rd March 2015

Miriam is an 11 year old blogger from Leeds.

Website: https://miriamisreading.wordpress.com/

‘Even though I have a job I still can’t afford to move on from supported housing’

My name is Sasha and I’m 25. I currently live at one of South London YMCA (SLYMCA)’s supported accommodation services in Crystal Palace. I never really had a stable home and I ended up homeless and sofa surfing due to a break down in my family. For 3 – 4 months I did a lot… Read more

Written by Sasha | Posted on 2nd March 2015

Sasha is a young person who lives in one of our supported accommodation services based in Crystal Palace. She became homeless after experiencing family breakdown. Currently Sasha is in full time work and is looking to move on but is finding it difficult due to high deposits and rents.

Website: http://www.slymca.org.uk/

Living in temporary housing can put a baby’s development at risk

(Photography by Tom Hull. Posed by models.) Babies are some of the most hidden and most vulnerable victims of the housing crisis. Our new estimates suggest that in England around 15,700 0-2 year olds live in families who are classed as statutorily homeless, and we know this is just the tip of the iceberg. Pregnancy and… Read more

Written by Alice Haynes | Posted on 28th February 2015

Alice Haynes is Policy and Research Analyst at NSPCC

Website: http://www.nspcc.org.uk/allbabiescount

Our housing conditions have forced me out of work and into a carer role

People who are unable to walk and totally reliant on a wheelchair will find there are many barriers to finding somewhere to live. If you are lucky and your incapacity comes when you own your own home, you will be able to apply for a disability grant to help make modifications to your home. But… Read more

Written by Angela Cavill-Burch | Posted on 27th February 2015

Angela Cavill-Burch a professionally qualified Manager with International experience but currently full time carer for high level spinally injured Husband.